Sr. Maria Ausilia De Siena
Councilor for Social Communications
She was born in Petrizzi, province of Catanzaro (Italy) on 24 July 1964. She attended the Kindergarten School of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Youth Center Oratory, volleyball sports activities in the Salesian Youth Sports Clubs, and Mary Help of Christians Institute of Soverato (CZ) for Higher Secondary School.
She obtained a degree in DAMS (Disciplines of the arts, music, and entertainment) with a multimedia emphasis, a Degree in piano, a Master’s Degree in “Organization expert” and “Animators of Communication and Culture”.
In 1987 she undertakes the path of formation in the FMA Institute in the communities of Taranto, L’Aquila and the International Novitiate of Castelgandolfo, where she makes her First Religious Profession on 5 August 1990. She begins her experience as an FMA in Soverato as a music teacher at the Middle School and at the High School, as a teacher of Piano courses, and as animator of the Oratory and of extra-curricular activities, in particular theater.
After a year of formation in Rome, she returned to Soverato, then to Naples, to the Provincial House of the Southern Province of Our Lady of Good Counsel – IMR.
She is a Provincial Councilor for 12 years, of which 8 as a Councilor for Social Communication. She is National Delegate of the CGS – Sociocultural Youth Cinema-circles Association (Cinecircoli Giovanili Sociocultural) and then Animator of the Community of Soverato.
In 2021 she was appointed Provincial of the Southern Province of Our Lady of Good Counsel(IMR) and in the XXIV General Chapter she was elected General Councilor for Social Communication.